The highly anticipated debut film of Yuva Rajakumar, ‘Yuva’, is set to dazzle the silver screen on the 29th of March. A day before Power star Puneeth Rajakumar’s birth anniversary, his second daughter, Vanditha, graced the song release event, which was attended by a large audience.

Produced by Vijay Kirgandur under the label Hombale Films, directed by Santhosh Anandram, and starring Yuva Rajkumar in the lead role, the song “Appuge” from the film “Yuva” was recently released by Anand Audio. Puneeth Rajkumar’s second daughter, Vandita, unveiled the song and extended her wishes to the film crew.

“Yuva” is a movie with a family and action storyline, focusing on father-son bonding and the sacrifices made for family without expecting anything in return. The father’s role in the family is paramount. The song “Appuge” from our film depicts the qualities of such a father. I penned this song myself, which is sung by Vijay Prakash and composed by Ajanish Loknath. Since it revolves around the father, we chose to have Vandita release this song. We extend our gratitude to Vandita for her participation. Additionally, the trailer of “Yuva” will be unveiled on March 21, followed by a pre-release event on March 23 in Hospet. Director Santosh Anandram has announced that the film will hit screens on March 29.

The lead actor, Yuva Rajkumar, mentioned that the film’s content resonates with his real-life experiences with his father, Raghavendra Rajakumar. The relationship between father and son is unique, with the true weight of paternal responsibility only realized as one matures. Achyut Kumar portrays my father in this film, and in many scenes, I found myself reflecting on my own father. He added that the song “Appuge,” which delves into the father-son relationship, will deeply touch audiences’ hearts.

The two songs already released from the film have received widespread acclaim, especially for their portrayal of the father-son relationship. Music director Ajanish Loknath expressed his emotional connection to the song, reminiscing about his own father whenever he hears it.

I extend my gratitude to Hombale Films for entrusting the audio rights of “Yuva” to our company, Anand Audio. Shyam from Anand Audio mentioned that it has been 25 years since our organization’s inception.

Many members of the film crew, including cinematographer Shreesha Kuduvalli, editor Ashik Kusugolli, and executive producer Yogi G Raj, were present at the song launch event.


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