Recently, pan-India level films have been coming up in several languages, including Kannada. Now, another film has joined that line-up. This film will be made in two languages, Kannada and Telugu.

The film is titled ‘Yaake’ in Kannada, while in Telugu, it is titled ‘Sansthaanam.’ Seetha Harshavardhan is producing the film in both languages, and Prem will be directing the action.

The title unveiling event for both the Kannada and Telugu versions of the film, along with the inauguration of a new production company called Siri Cinemas, took place at the Artists’ Association in Chamarajpet. Actors like Orata Prashanth, Srinagara Kitty, producer TP Siddaraju, and actress Ambuja were among many artists who attended the event to unveil the title and offer their best wishes to the film’s team.

Producer Seetha Harshavardhan said, ‘I have acted in several Kannada films and serials, and also in Telugu serials. I liked the story narrated by director Prem, so we decided to move forward with the production. The shooting of our new film will begin in November, and we aim to release the film in April next year.’

She further added, ‘Our project has gained additional strength with the support of Amazon and Khushi Cinema from Hyderabad. Our goal is to bring good films to the Kannada industry in the coming days.’

Director Prem said, ‘This is my first film in Kannada. It has great content, and we will begin filming in mid-November. The film holds a story that will be loved by everyone.’

At the same event, partners from Khushi Cinema shared information about the film, assuring that their company will continue to support the production of films with fresh and innovative content in the future.’


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