The film Vishnu Priya narrates an intense love story set in the 1980s, starring Paddhehuli fame Shreyas Manju and Malayalam’s charming actress Priya Prakash Varrier. Produced by Dr. K. Manju under the banner of Bindya Movies, the romantic track “Elu Girigala elu Kadalina Aache” from this movie was launched by Bagheera fame Sriimurali. During the song and release date announcement event, Sriimurali, actress Saptami Gowda, producer Ramesh Reddy, and lyricist Kaviraj graced the occasion as chief guests and extended their best wishes for the film.

Scheduled for a statewide release on February 21, the movie is directed by Malayalam filmmaker V.K. Prakash, who also penned the story and screenplay. This is his second Kannada film. With over 40 films directed in Malayalam, Telugu, and Tamil, he is also a national award-winning director. The protagonist’s name is Vishnu, and the heroine’s name is Priya, forming the film’s title.

Speaking on stage, Sriimurali said, “Some movies are likable, and some become close to your heart. This film will definitely become close. Shreyas and Priya have performed wonderfully. Shreyas has the passion to achieve dedication. Everyone has a love episode in their life. Watching this movie will remind them of their own love stories. I hope it turns out well.”

Chief guest Ramesh Reddy mentioned, “Shreyas acted in our film Paddhehuli. His name itself carries greatness.”

Director V.K. Prakash remarked, “Kannada cinema has had great films in the past. We grew up watching the works of Girish Kasaravalli and B.V. Karanth. Later, legends like Shyam Benegal and Satyajit Ray contributed greatly to cinema. Actor Shreyas has the potential to become a great actor. Before the shoot, we organized a workshop with actress Priya Varrier, which helped enhance their on-screen chemistry. Producer K. Manju has spared no effort, and we are hopeful for the film’s success.”

Actor Shreyas Manju shared, “For me, knowledge is more important than money. If money mattered, I would have opened a pub and earned money. I believe in working hard and growing. At home, I am K. Manju’s son, but outside, he is a strict businessman. That’s why the movie was delayed.”

Actress Priya Prakash Varrier said, “This is my first Kannada film. Initially, I intended to speak in Kannada, but after a few years’ gap, I’ve lost the touch. I will definitely speak in Kannada in the future. Vishnu Priya has a beautiful story. I’ve learned a lot working with Shreyas and believe it will be a great film.”

Producer K. Manju announced, “We are releasing the movie on February 21. I seek everyone’s support and encouragement for the film.”

Renowned Telugu music director Gopi Sundar has composed the music for this film. Sindhushree from Dharwad is the original story writer, and producer K. Manju mentioned that the script was developed based on one of her storylines. With experts like V.K. Prakash, Gopi Sundar, and Nagendra Prasad involved, this film showcases how significant love is in life.

The movie emphasizes family values and portrays what a young man, ready to do anything for love, experiences in his life. Veteran actor Achyuth Kumar plays the hero’s father, while Suchendra Prasad plays the heroine’s father. Director Ravi Srivatsa has written the screenplay and dialogues. Vinod Bharathi handled cinematography, and Suresh Aras managed editing for the film.


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