Duration – 2H 36M, Genre – Drama, Verdict – Brutal Hard-hitting Revenge Story of Empowered Women.  

Title – Vedha, Producer – Geetha Shivarajkumar, Director – A. Harsha, Music Director – Arjun Janya, Dialogue Writer – Raghu Niduvalli, Lyricist – V. Nagendra Prasad, Cinematographer – Swamy J. Gowda, Editor – Deepu S. Kumar, Art Director – Ravi Santhehaklu

Cast – Dr. Shivrajkumar, Ganavi Laxman, Umashree, Aditi Sagar, Veena Ponnappa, Shwetha Chengappa, Kuri Pratap, Raghu Shivamogga, Cheluvaraj, Vijay Bidappa, Bharath Sagar and others.

Hattrick Hero Dr. Shivrajkumar’s 125th film Vedha a home production by his wife Geetha Shivrajkumar directed by Harsha Master was one the most awaited film and here are a few reasons why Vedha is a must watch.


Proud to see the industry’s top actor like Shivanna being part of a female-centric universe in Vedha on screen and off where he holds the fort strong letting the female characters take center stage. Being a patient loving husband to being a strong father who lets his daughter fight her battles while he waits to jump into the action only when needed and stands by her with all his strength and silence portrays what an Ideal Man in a girl’s life should look like. His eyes filled with affection & love, and to being furious & fearful gave us one of the best performances, and the character Vedha will be led as an example to look up to.


The movie has strong female characters throughout from the lead actors like Ganavi Laxman as Pushpa a self-made woman, strong wife, and fiercely protective mother, Umashree as Shankri a dear friend a Godmother character to Vedha, Kanaka played by Aditi Sagar daughter of Arun Sagar who has given her best in her debut and multiple supporting roles from Cop, to lawyer movie projects strong women force throughout. Special Mention to all the actors who have done the action sequence to perfection.


Harsha Master in all his directorial films has never disappointed audience when it comes to visuals. Vedha is film that is set in the timeline between the 1960s to 1980s the art direction and costume departments have done their best in creating the world of Vedha. Songs and Background Music especially during the action sequence gives the audience the required high. The cinematography, editing, and color grading departments have done their best work to give us that visual treat.


Story though seems like something that we have already seen at moments the approach towards the same old subjects in this movie has taken a different approach. There are no damsels in distress female characters here in this story just weak/ bad situations faced by strong women and how they approach and overcome situations. How the lead of the film even with his glorifying Mass Hero elements also carries the ideal innocent man characteristics is something new.

Movie though has its brutality at its core but still a film that can be watched with family members.