Sachin Shetty, the director behind the impactful movie ‘Ondu Shikariya Kathe,’ has provided a fresh start for the talented actor Pramod Shetty, garnering enthusiastic reviews. Now, he returns with another creation titled ‘Vasantha Kalada Hoogalu,’ a teenage love story. Sachin Shetty aims to present this film with a touch of sophistication.
The lead roles are portrayed by Sachin Rathod and Radha Bhagavathi, both hailing from the Bijapur district. Producers Ashok Rathod and Siddu Rasure also originate from the same district. This collaboration brings together the talents of the Uttar Karnataka and Karavali regions, culminating in a love story currently in the final stages of post-production.
Supporting roles include Ramesh Rai, Gururaj Shetty, Pavan, Nandish, and others, complementing Sachin Rathod and Radha Bhagavathi’s performances.
Experienced editing expert BS Kemparaj oversees the editing, while Bharat Janardhan handles the music and Shivashankara Norambada takes on the role of cinematographer for ‘Vasantha Kalada Hoogalu’.