The highly anticipated film by the exceptional director and actor, Upendra ‘UI,’ has finally been unveiled. The two-minute teaser of UI was launched at an upscale hotel on Monday morning, with Telugu cinema stalwarts Allu Aravind and Karunada Chakravarthy, Dr. Shivarajakumar, gracing the well-attended event. Upendra enthusiasts erupted in cheers, vociferously expressing their desire for ‘Om 2,’ the blockbuster collaboration of Upendra and Shivarajakumar.

The dialogue-free two-minute UI teaser showcased Achyuth Kumar, Sadhu Kokila, Ravishanker, and Upendra for a brief duration. UI is set to release in nine Indian languages, firmly establishing itself as Upendra’s venture into Indian cinema during the post-production phase.

Several months ago, Upendra created a sensation by presenting a black screen with dialogue for his initial teaser. He questioned how a one-minute teaser could effectively assess the film’s content. Even for this two-minute teaser, he initially hesitated, but producers Naveen of Lahari group of companies and KP Srikanth insisted on incorporating some visuals, resulting in the latest teaser that invites viewers to explore the intricacies of the film.

Originality personified is Upendra, and working on this film provided me with the strength to express myself in life. Each song is meticulously crafted, and the top-ranking music director Ajanish Lokanath emphasized the need to maintain curiosity.

Actors Reeshma Nanaiah and Nidhi Subbaiah remained tight-lipped about the film but intriguingly remarked, ‘Expect the unexpected.’

Telugu cinema luminary Allu Aravind described it as ‘Universal Intelligence’ cinema, expressing his close ties to Dr. Rajakumar’s family, Lahari Manohar Naidu’s family, and acknowledging Bengaluru’s acceptance of diverse languages.

Priyanka, Upendra’s wife, emphasized, “It is Uppi and I – UI world I have been living for 24 years.” Dr. Shivarajakumar highlighted his familial bond with Allu Aravind’s family, likening Upendra’s event to a family gathering. He praised Upendra as more significant and noteworthy than top directors and recounted Upendra’s compliment about his good eyes during the making of the blockbuster ‘Om.’

Addressing the fans’ clamor for ‘Om 2,’ Shivarajakumar pointed out that if it happens, it will take another 10 years, and he expects a double celebration for ‘UI.’

In his articulate speech, Upendra expressed his desire for fans to resonate with him, coining the term ‘U and I’ to pacify the massive audience gathered at the UI event. While hinting at the film’s mysterious content, he mentioned the existence of the fourth way, representing a unique stage of thinking in life.

Lahari Velu, Manohar Naidu, HR Ranganath of Public TV, KP Srikanth, Karthik Gowda, Naveen Manohar, and others shared their thoughts on this momentous occasion.


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