September 18 marks the birthday of Real Star Upendra, and on this special day, he shared details about the much-awaited film “UI,” which he has both acted in and directed. The press conference for the movie was held at his residence. Alongside Upendra, producer G. Manoharan, K.P. Sreekanth, co-producers Naveen, Tulasiram Naidu (Lahari Velu), lead actress Reeshma Nanaiah, music director Ajaneesh Loknath, and art director Shivakumar were also present. A unique poster for the film “UI” was unveiled on the same occasion.

Upendra expressed his gratitude to everyone who wished him on his birthday, saying, “You might be able to get married five or six times, but directing one film is harder than that. After many years, the movie I directed, ‘UI,’ is now ready for release. The producers, who have made this grand film, are planning for an October release. Due to the extensive technical work and the fact that it is being released in multiple languages, the release is slightly delayed. People often ask if I will finally scratch their heads with my unique thinking. Well, in this film, I’m actually working on that. The audience is always smarter than us, and their expectations are high. So, we bear the responsibility of creating a film that meets those expectations. With the cooperation of music director Ajaneesh Loknath, art director Shivakumar, and all other technicians and artists, ‘UI’ will be an excellent movie.”

Producer G. Manoharan, while wishing Upendra a happy birthday, mentioned, “This is a pan-India film, and that’s why its release has been slightly delayed. It will hit the screens in October.”

Producer K.P. Sreekanth added, “In my 25-year journey in the film industry, working with Shivanna (Shiva Rajkumar) has always been special, and now having Upendra direct a movie under our banner is a matter of great pride. Like everyone, I am also a fan of Upendra’s direction, and just like his fans, I too am eagerly waiting to watch this film on the big screen. We will soon announce the official release date.”

Co-producers Naveen and Tulasiram Naidu (Lahari Velu), lead actress Reeshma Nanaiah, music director Ajaneesh Loknath, and art director Shivakumar also shared their thoughts on “UI.”


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