Introducing the up-and-coming female director Sindhu Gowda, daughter of renowned filmmaker Raj Kishor. She is making her mark with an intriguing thriller that draws inspiration from her academic pursuits. While studying Anthropology, Sindhu conceived an idea that would eventually become the central theme of her project. Serendipity struck during a stroll in the park when she crossed paths with Shilpa. This encounter swiftly led to a production collaboration within a mere month.

“Apple Cut” is an innovative Kannada film genre that delves into the study of the human skull, woven intricately into a series of interconnected murders. The backdrop of the film is set at Jupiter College of Medicine, where the human body serves as a dissected canvas, complementing the lead character’s role as an anthropology lecturer. While Sindhu initially contemplated filming in a graveyard, she adeptly navigated complications, opting to focus on a different approach. Reflecting on her late father’s legacy—Raj Kishor, a director of 29 Kannada films—Sindhu shares, “My father often predicted that I would embrace the role of a director. Sadly, he is no longer with us, but now I proudly don the director’s hat,” she declares. With a decade of experience in acting and directing TV serials, Sindhu has penned the narrative, crafted the screenplay, and assumed the directorial reins for this project, which encapsulates the journey of five young lives.

Producer Shilpa, also a female powerhouse, recollects her intrigue upon hearing the initial story concept. After engaging in a detailed conversation with Sindhu, Shilpa and her husband Srinivas recognized the film’s potential. The movie culminates in a powerful message for the youth, heightened by a captivating narrative.

The film’s protagonist, Surya Gowda, portrays an anthropology lecturer who navigates challenging situations with a hint of trepidation. His quest for experiential insight takes him to diverse locales, ultimately culminating in an exhilarating performance.

Ashwini Polepelli, in her second film role, hails from the crossroads of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Playing a psychology student, she embraces the film’s ethos wholeheartedly. Ashwini also embodies the protagonist’s romantic interest, adding depth to the storyline.

The film introduces Appanna, a renowned comedian, who overcame his fear of bodies to embrace a significant role as the second hero, showcasing remarkable courage.

Abhijit, one of the five pivotal characters, debuts as a model-turned-actor, lending fresh energy to the screen. Meenakshi, an accomplished actress with 125 film credits, expresses her elation at being part of “Apple Cut,” highlighting the joy of collaborating with a female director.

Veer Samarth’s musical compositions, adorned with lyrics by Yogaraj Bhat and Sathyaprakash, create an evocative backdrop. Playback singers Vasuki Vybhav and Vijayasri lend their melodic voices to the narrative. Rajesh Gowda’s cinematography captures the essence, while Suchendra N Murthy’s editing adds finesse to the final product of the Kannada film “Apple Cut.”


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