The Kannada film ‘Udaala’ has completed its 25-day schedule in the surroundings of Vijayapura, marking the conclusion of the first shooting schedule under the direction of debutant director Amol Patil, with Prithvi Shamanur in the lead role.

The film’s protagonist, Prithvi, portrays the character of a guide. During the initial 25-day shoot, scenes involving song, dance, and dialogue were captured. With 75 percent of the shoot now complete, Director Amol Patil has announced that the second phase of shooting will commence soon.

“Udala” falls within the pure commercial genre, encompassing elements such as love and comedy. Amol Patil, who previously served as a co-director with Yogaraj Bhatt, marks his independent directorial debut with this film, adding to the distinction of being a native of Bijapur.

Prithvi Shamanur, who captivated audiences in her debut film “Padavipurva,” is generating significant anticipation for her role in “Udala.” She is joined by Hritika Srinivas as the female lead, with Bala Rajwadi, Sumit, Harish Hiriyur, Malu Nithnal, Praveen Gokak, Dayanand, and others comprising the star cast.

Yograj Bhatt has penned the film’s songs, complemented by music composed by Chetan Davi. Cinematography for “Udala” is handled by Sivashankar Noorambada, with action direction by Arjun Raj and choreography by Mohan and Raghu. The movie is slated for release towards the end of this year.


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