Director Suresh Raju has attempted to narrate two parallel stories through the film Swecha. The movie explores how five characters fight for their freedom in unique ways. Produced under the banner of Star Masth Victory Arts by Star Masthan and K.R. Murahari Reddy, the trailer and two songs of Swecha were recently released. The film stars Anvish and Pavithra Nayak as the lead pair.

Swecha is a romantic drama with elements of human emotions, weaving together stories from the 1990s and the present. One storyline delves into the passionate love of a laborer and its transformation, while the other portrays a touching tale of a mother-daughter bond. The daughter, Swecha, goes to great lengths for her mother, presenting an emotional narrative crafted by the director.

The music for the film, composed by Lokii Thawasya, includes five songs. Singers Rajesh Krishnan, Anuradha Bhat, Anuram, and Chetan Nayak have lent their voices. The film has been shot in locations such as Raichur, Booradipadu, Srirangapatna, and Bengaluru.

Speaking at the event, producer K.R. Murahari Reddy said, “The film industry is new to me, but everyone involved has worked hard for the project.” Co-producer Star Masthan added, “I have distributed several Telugu films, including Killing Veerappan, in Telugu states.”

Director Suresh Raju mentioned, “The story focuses on how individuals fight for their freedom. Anvish and Pavithra Nayak play a romantic couple, while K.R. Murahari Reddy appears as the heroine’s father. Another narrative features Spandana and Srilakshmi as a mother-daughter duo in emotionally charged roles. We plan to release the film by the end of January.”

Lead actor Anvish shared, “This is my third film after Jallikattu and Yathartha. I play a laborer who falls in love with a girl from an affluent family, leading to significant challenges.” Spandana, who plays the mother, noted, “We shot in real slum areas, and this role deeply resonated with me.” Srilakshmi, portraying the daughter, said, “I play Swecha, a girl devoted to her mother. This is one of the most connected roles I’ve done.”

The story, penned by Suresh Reddy, has been adapted into a screenplay and dialogues by Suresh Raju. The film features cinematography by S. Satish. Two songs from Swecha have already been released on Anand Audio and have received positive responses from listeners.


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