When our loved ones are not physically present, our minds experience unexpected remorse. The impact of love and affection on our lives is vividly portrayed in the movie ‘The Vacant House.’ Even after their physical existence ends, those we cherish continue to guide us from the beyond. Love transcends mere emotion; it is a profound lesson imparted by departed souls to their loved ones.

In a secluded forest, Manav (played by Shreyas Chinga) resides alone in a house, working as a school teacher, leading a simple life amidst nature. His friend Manasa (Seema) occasionally checks on him, expressing concern for his well-being. As a new family moves into the empty house across from his, consisting of Mahesh (Sandeep Malani) and Moha (Esther Noronha), a couple in discord, Manav becomes intrigued by Moha, a beautiful young woman.

Manav makes persistent efforts to connect with Moha, eventually forming a friendship with her with the help of his friend. Tragedy strikes during an outing, leading to Mahesh’s death and Moha’s critical condition. Manav witnesses the incident and learns about Moha’s challenging situation. Moha later comes to Manav’s house, and he is delighted to have her there. However, strange incidents occur in Moha’s house, with Moha appearing unaffected. The film builds up to a climactic resolution, revealing that Moha has indeed returned to life.

Esther Noronha deserves appreciation for her debut film, handling acting, storytelling, direction, and music production. Her bold attempt captivating audiences who appreciate horror, suspense, and thriller genres.

With only five characters, the film focuses on two central figures. Despite its 102-minute duration, the narrative unfolds slowly, introducing engaging twists and turns for the audience. For those who enjoy unhurried thriller stories, ‘The Vacant House’ may be particularly appealing.

“The Vacant House” navigates life’s intricate ballet, inviting viewers into a realm where emotions resonate deeply, and unexpected companionship fills the voids in our lives. Exploring themes of love, friendship, and the challenges of life and death, the film’s narrative, suspense, and thrilling elements make it a compelling watch, especially for enthusiasts of these genres.


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