After Gayatri M’s The Suite under the PCD2 Film Factory logo, the shooting and post-production of Thane, directed by S. Bhagat Raj, have been completed. The first copy of the film will be ready soon, and the regional censor board will watch the film in a few days. The songs of the film will be released this year, and the film will hit the screens early next year.

Thane, with its unique storyline, is tagged C/O Srirampur. Recently, the film crew of Thane visited Sri Ravi Shankar Guruji’s ashram of the Art of Living and received Guruji’s blessings.

Kannada cinema has its own rich history. Artists like Dr. Rajkumar have acted in many socially conscious films. Praveen is making his debut as a hero through this film. The poster of the film shows all the signs of a promising production. Ravi Shankar Guruji blessed the film with success and good luck for the crew.

Praveen, who is recognized as a theater artist and has worked with renowned Kannada action directors, is stepping into the film industry as a hero with Thane. Harinakshi from Mysore plays the heroine. BV Rajaram, Bal Rajwadi, Rohit Nagesh, Kuldeep, Santosh Karki, Bhishma Ramaiah, Nagaraj, Manjula, PD Satish, and many other theater artists also feature in the film.

Thane is set in 1962. As cities grow, slums remain stagnant, and some people actively prevent their growth. The film tells the story of a young man who grew up in a slum and fights to bring justice to the people there. The director mentioned that, since the story is set in that period, he searched for old locations in Bangalore such as Srirampur and Shivaji Nagar.

Manas Holla has composed music for two melodious songs. Cinematography is by Prashant Sagar of Sagar, editing by senior editor Suresh Aras, art direction by Praveen John, and production management by Ravichandra. Kaurava Venkatesh and Tiger Shiva have created five adventurous scenarios. Since the hero Praveen also has experience in choreographing stunts, the action sequences in his performance are said to be impressive.


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