The promo, trailer, and climax song of the film Teddy Bear were launched in grand style at Kalavidhara Bhavana Dr. Ambarish Auditorium. Jyothitarakesh, Bharat, and Naveen have jointly invested under Adyalakshi Productions. Lokesh B., who was the assistant of Tollywood’s Puri Jagannath, has written, scripted, and directed the movie.

Director Lokesh has previously worked on films like Sudoku, Vidhur, and Vikramarka. All of these are currently in the post-production stage. No one has made a film with this title before. The movie tells the story of the middle class. A prequel and a sequel are yet to come. Research has been done, and scenes have been created. How does the soul get absorbed into the doll? Audiences should come to the cinema to learn such interesting facts. Kala Bhairaveshwara will be the only song by Swami. Filming has been done in the surroundings of Bangalore and Mangalore.

Teddy Bear was my first experience, and after signing this film, I got seven more films with the protagonist Bhargav. He plays the role of a psychologist. Shailaja Sinha and Deen Pujari are the heroines. Sparsha Rekha, Disha Puvaiah, Kitti Talikote, Muthu, Arvind, and Baby Akshara are also in the cast.

Senior director Saiprakash, who initiated the program, said that today the auditorium is full. This shows how much love and how many fans the team has earned. When the film is successful, it will take us somewhere. Although Kantara was a low grosser at the start, word of mouth made it a worldwide sensation. As soon as a child is born, it is not known whether it will become a PM, CM, doctor, or engineer. But the result of a movie will be known on the day of its release. If the fan gods who come to the morning show bless us, we will win. A director, music composer, cinematographer, and editor are the pillars of a movie, stated Om Saiprakash.

Teddy Bear has music by Vivek Jangli, cinematography by Deepu-Benakraj, editing by Santhosh, and action stunts by Shiva-Ganesh-Channakrishna. As expected, the movie will hit the screens in the month of July.


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