After the success of the devotional Kannada film Jagannathadasaru, director Madhusudan Havaldar is soaring in popularity while continuing to showcase his talent. He has now expanded his role to include music composition, in addition to directing Kakhandaki Sri Mahipathidasaru.

Dasa’s contribution to Kannada literature is immense. Director Madhusudan Havaldar is working to introduce people to the legacy of such revered figures through his films. In Kakhandaki Sri Mahipatidasaru, a film centered on Mahipati Dasa, another great Haridasa of Karnataka, Havaldar not only directed the film but also composed the music for the first time.

Vijayanand, a software professional, takes on the title role in Sri Mahipathi Dasaru. The film features seven songs, performed by Madhusudan Havaldar, Anantha Kulkarni, Raichur Seshagiridas, and V.V. Prasanna, each contributing one song.

Recently, the release of the film’s songs was celebrated in a grand event. Shri 1008 Vidyasagar Madhavathirtha, the presiding pontiff of Madhavathirtha (Tambihalli) Sansthan, presented the songs. The event was graced by several dignitaries, including former MLA SK Bellubbi, Hussain Saab Das, Subhash Kakhandaki, Murali, Vishnutirtha Joshi, and Raghavendra Rao. Following the presentation, the dignitaries and the film crew shared their thoughts.

Mahipatidasa’s contribution to Kannada Haridasa literature is immense, though he has remained relatively unsung until now. Cinema is a medium that can reach a wide audience quickly. Madhusudan Havaldar is using this platform to introduce Kannada Haridasas to the public. Srividyasagara Madhavathirtha expressed his blessings for the director, stating that he deserves all encouragement.

“Since Sri Jagannath Dasaru, I have been directing films about the great Haridasas. Currently, I have directed Kakhandaki Srimahipathidasaru and also composed the music. The film is produced by Ramambuja Movies and will be released soon,” said director Madhusudan Havaldar.

Vijayanand, who plays the role of Mahipati Dasa, said, “Despite being an IT professional, I had the privilege of portraying Mahipati Dasa, thanks to Dasa’s grace. I am grateful to Madhusudan Havaldar for giving me the opportunity to both act and sing in this film.”


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