The dashing actor who first appeared in ‘Yuga Yugagale Sagali,’ Yashas, made his debut in 2008. He then transformed into Yashas Soorya, and in 2023, with the release of ‘Garadi’ Soorya is overflowing with both joy and heartfelt emotions.

Soorya, an actor possessing outstanding attributes, skills, and captivating looks, is known for his roles in movies like ‘Shishira,’ ‘Chingari,’ ‘Chakravarthy,’ ‘Psycho Shankara,’ ‘Raama Dhanya,’ ‘Kurukshetra,’ and ‘Odeya.’ During an event in Ranebennur, his emotions overflowed as his idol, the iconic star Darshan, sat in the guest’s chair.

In front of a massive audience, Soorya looked towards Darshan and expressed how he considers Darshan to be his “Devaru” (God) in the roles of a father, mother, Guru, and friend. He believes that someone who possesses all these qualities is truly a “Devaru,” and this is precisely what Darshan represents to him, according to Soorya.

Soorya’s name was given to him by Darshan, the reigning king of the Kannada cinema box office. In a manner reminiscent of a traditional Hindu naming ceremony at the Kateelu Durga Parameshwari temple, Darshan officially renamed Yashas Soorya as simply “Soorya” for his role in ‘Garadi.’

Darshan actively supported Soorya when they discussed the project ‘Garadi’ with Yogaraj Bhat and BC Patil. In the film, Darshan played a significant role in boosting Soorya’s character, especially in the climactic wrestling match where he inspired Soorya to conquer the championship. One of Darshan’s lines in the trailer, “Badavange Yavanu Nyaya Kodalla Thamma, adannu Kitkobeku, Kitko Helthini,” quickly became a massive hit within just a day.

During the grand trailer release of ‘Garadi,’ Soorya’s mother had the honor of sitting beside Darshan, and he expressed his heartfelt gratitude to BC Patil, Yogaraj Bhat, Sonal, Sujay, and the esteemed guest Vinod Prabhakar for gracing the event.


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