Director R Ravindra, known for his work on films like Chalagara, Sarkari Kelasa Devara Kelasa, Manasinaata, Bangarada Makkalu, February 14, and Mission Ambulance in Marathi, has completed the shooting of his latest project, Gopilola. As the film’s promotion picks up pace, the second song has now been launched following the earlier release of the track “Kan Kan…”

The second song, “Ninne Ninne Nechchikonde,” was unveiled at a recent event held at a private hotel in Bangalore. The launch was graced by veteran director Rajendra Singh Babu and Producer Association President Umesh Bankar.

Rajendra Singh Babu praised the director and choreographer, noting that the film doesn’t feel like the work of newcomers. He emphasized the importance of music in Indian cinema, stating that movies feel incomplete without songs.

Producer SR Sanath Kumar, whose passion for cinema is evident in this fourth production, expressed his confidence in the film, noting that each song surpasses the last.

The lyrics for “Ninne Ninne Nechchikonde” were penned by Jayanth Kaykini, with vocals by Anuradha Bhatt and Rajesh Krishnan, and music composed by Midun Asokan from Chennai. The song features choreography by Manjunath Arasu and lead actress Nimisha K Chandra.

Gopilola blends themes of natural farming with a love story. The film is produced by Sanath Kumar in collaboration with Manjunath, who also stars as the lead actor.

The cast includes Manjunath, Nimisha K Chandra, Jahnavi, S. Narayan, Padma Vasanthi, Kempegowda, Digri Nagaraj, Rekha Das, Nagesh Yadav, Swathi, veteran director Josaiman, and Telugu actor Saptagiri.

The film features dialogues by Kesavachandra, editing by KM Prakash, music by Midun Asokan from Chennai, background score by Rakesh Acharya, cinematography by Suryakant H, and action direction by Thriller Manju and Johnny Master.


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