Nagi Reddy Bhada, under the banner of Sri Veerabhadreshwara Creative Film, recently conducted a vibrant shoot for a captivating song in the film ‘Desai,’ featuring Praveen Kumar and Radhya alongside co-dancers. Co-produced by Mahantesh V Cholachagudda, who also penned the story, this movie marks Nagi Reddy Bhada’s directorial debut.

The lyrics for the song were crafted by Shivu Beragi, complemented by the musical composition of Sai Karthik. Mohan Master choreographed the dance sequences, and the picturesque capture took place at Destino Resort on the outskirts of Bengaluru.

Director Nagireddy Bhada shared insights about ‘Desai,’ emphasizing its family-centric plot, spanning three generations: grandfather, father, and son, with a strong emotional undertone. Nagireddy Bhada, having been associated with the film industry in various roles, expressed confidence in delivering a film encompassing all the elements that resonate with audiences.

Hailing from Bagalkot, producer Mahantesh V Cholachagudda expressed gratitude for the film crew’s cooperation, highlighting that ‘Desai’ is a true North Karnataka-style film, with the majority of the shooting taking place in Badami and Bagalkote.

Portraying an athlete, Praveen Kumar, who previously featured in “Love 360,” shared his preparation for the role, emphasizing the compelling story presented by the director. Radhya described her character as a bold girl in the film.

Cinematographer PKH Das provided insights into the film’s visual aspects. The supporting cast includes Orata Prashant, Cheluvaraju, Madhusudan Rao, Kalyani, Harini, Prashant, Manjunath Hegde, and Srishti (Kantara). The film aims to capture the essence of North Karnataka, incorporating authentic dialogues and ensuring a comprehensive cinematic experience.


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