The recently unveiled trailer for Karan Savyasachi’s action-packed film, “Kali Kudukaru,” has garnered attention. Produced by Mahesh N under the AM Creation banner, the movie features four protagonists—an auto driver, a gangster, a real estate broker, and an unemployed orphan.

Faced with family tragedies, these characters succumb to alcohol as a means of coping with their problems, making it an integral part of their lives. The narrative takes a dark turn when an unemployed young man falls in love with a pregnant woman, only for her to be victimized by a hooligan and subjected to a heinous crime. The miscreant’s gang, aided by a corrupt inspector, becomes entangled with four determined youths. The film unfolds as it depicts how the four protagonists and their friend seek justice by eliminating the criminals and the corrupt inspector.

Mahesh N, the producer, shared insights into the film, highlighting his experience as a choreographer for a reality show and emphasizing the impact of alcohol on individuals. The movie was shot in and around Bangalore, with plans to release it by the end of the month.

Nagendra Urs, expressing his approval of the title, assured continuous support for the new team, emphasizing the humor and justice in the characters portrayed.

The cast includes Sonu Gowda in the role of an auto driver, Rithya as the heroine marrying an orphan boy, and veteran actress Manjula Reddy portraying the character of Buddy Bangaramma. Lohit, Ravish, and Muruli shared their experiences in their respective roles.

The film features Mahesh N, Ashok, Ravish, Sharath, KG Lohit, Ritya, Sonu Deepu, Shruti, Archana, Nagendra Aras, Maan Mohan, Manjula Reddy, Murali, and others. Sunny Madhavan composed two songs for the film, with Chittor Suri handling the camera, Sriranga Haluvagilu writing the lyrics, and Supreme Subba choreographing the action sequences.


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