The Kannada film industry continues to explore new experimental avenues, and adding to this creative journey is the latest short film “Joker Actor”, directed by Prashanth Mayur. The film revolves around the theme of how “money is evil” and portrays the impact of wealth through 33-minute narrative filled with elements of art, murder, and the consequences of greed.

Director Prashanth Mayur, who also stars and produces the film, spoke after the screening, expressing his admiration for Kannada cinema legend Dr. Rajkumar. He shared, “I am a fan of Dr. Rajkumar, and this film begins and ends with his voice. “Joker Actor” is our second short film under the Mayur Talkies banner. It was made on a limited budget with the help of friends, and we shot it using sync sound technology.”

Prashanth Mayur further announced that the film will be released on YouTube, giving viewers the option to contribute a minimum of Rs. 20 via a QR code if they enjoy the content. He emphasized that despite being a short film, the team approached it like a feature film, with five days of filming and a budget exceeding Rs. 5 lakh. Additionally, the film is set for release in Telugu on the 21st of this month, with Dr. Rajkumar’s voice incorporated into the Telugu version as well.

Actress Yukta Parvi, who made her debut in short films with “Joker Actor”, shared her experience, saying, “It was a new journey for me and a dream project for Prashanth. I felt a deep connection with the team, and working with them was like being part of a family. For the role, I had to smoke, which took me six to seven takes, but I urge everyone not to smoke. I have previously acted in three Kannada films and one film each in Tamil and Malayalam.”

Supporting actor Shailesh expressed his hopes for the film’s success, stating, “I hope this film gets the support it deserves. The storytelling is creative, and Prashanth has given it a fresh and unique dimension. I wish the best for him and this project.”

Another cast member, Madhusudan, who has acted in several short films, said, “Though it is a short film, the experience while shooting didn’t feel like one. Prashanth and the team worked tirelessly, day and night. I hope their hard work pays off.”

Ugram Suresh, another prominent actor in the film, noted, “It felt like a feature film. The director’s efforts are evident in the quality of the short film.”

Cinematographer Pandiyan Kuppan added his thoughts on the film, saying, “I believe that actions speak louder than words. This is my third project, following two Tamil films.”

The short film’s music is composed by Rishan Aditya, with editing by Ujwal Gowda.


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