The transition of renowned comedy actor Chikkanna to a leading role in the upcoming Kannada film ‘Upadhyaksha’ is set to dazzle audiences with delightful songs and a captivating trailer. The media and audience auditorium were treated to a sneak peek on Saturday night, where the film’s songs and trailer were unveiled.

The event, graced by the presence of Karunada Chakravarthy Dr. Shivarajakumar, showcased ‘Upadhyaksha,’ produced by Smita Umapati under the DN Cinemas banner, and directed by Anil Kumar. Chikkanna takes the lead for the first time, and the film is slated for release on January 26, coinciding with Indian Republic Day.

Shivarajkumar, who released the trailer, expressed his admiration for Chikkanna, emphasizing that he has acted alongside the actor in two previous movies. Applauding Chikkanna’s dance skills in the film’s songs, Shivarajkumar conveyed his intention to watch the film in Mysore.

The trailer release by Shivarajkumar was met with gratitude from producer Umapathi, who thanked him for his support. Umapathi also acknowledged his wife, Smita, as the film’s producer. He expressed gratitude to the entire film crew for their cooperation and highlighted the importance of audiences in Malayalam and Kannada contributing to the success of films on both theater and OTT platforms.

Director Anil Kumar shared insights into ‘Upadhyaksha,’ describing it as a sequel to the movie ‘Adhyaksha.’ The film picks up where its predecessor left off and promises solid entertainment. Anil Kumar thanked everyone involved, including Chikkanna and technicians like Arjun Janya, and expressed special gratitude to Shivarajkumar for releasing the trailer.

Chikkanna, making his debut as a hero after appearing in over 250 films, revealed that ‘Upadhyaksha’ is a family-friendly movie. The film, a sequel to ‘Adhyaksha,’ had already garnered positive responses with its teaser and songs. Chikkanna thanked Shivarajkumar for releasing the trailer.

Other cast members, including Keerhiraj, Dharmanna, Ravishanker, and heroine Malaika, expressed their joy at being part of the film. They hope ‘Upadhyaksha’ receives the attention it deserves from the audience


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