Produced by Rishab Shetty Films, “Shivamma Yarehanchinnala” marks the debut feature film of director Jaishankar Aryar, acclaimed for his short film “Lachavva” from the anthology “Katha Sangama.” This humorous village drama centers on a determined woman striving to break the cycle of poverty in her household. The film has garnered significant attention and praise at various film festivals, both in India and internationally.

Though a fictional story, the film feels like a documentary about Shivamma from the village of Yarehanchinnala. It opens with a striking scene of village women exercising and doing yoga in their sarees early in the morning, juxtaposed with men lazily waking up. This highlights the strength and resilience of the women who run their families. Shivamma, the film’s protagonist, is the sole breadwinner for her family, which includes her ailing husband, a college-going son, and a daughter ready for marriage. Shivamma’s dream is to make quick money to solve all her problems, driving the narrative with her unwavering determination.

Shivamma who hustles with multiple jobs to earn money is a dedicated consumer of a health drink and aspires to join the brand’s pyramid scheme by opening a health club in her village. To achieve this, she risks everything, investing all her money into the venture. Shivamma’s character resonates deeply as we witness her unwavering determination. Despite the numerous challenges she faces, she continually rises, driven by a strong belief in her eventual success. Her resilience and wholehearted efforts make her an inspiring and relatable figure.

The movie’s concept is highly relatable, capturing the common desire for quick solutions, whether in terms of making money or improving health. Shivamma’s character embodies the innocent yet determined pursuit of one’s dreams, highlighting how stubbornness can be both a strength and a flaw. While festival films often carry certain expectations, it’s worth noting that this film could have benefited from trained actors and more refined technical execution to fully do justice to its compelling content. However, if you appreciate a good festival film, “Shivamma Yarehanchinnala” is definitely worth a watch.


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