For the trailer launch of his film, the protagonist Kiran Raj did not turn up, which understandably irked the director, Prasiddh. “I am just a service provider, and my work is over,” Kiran Raj reportedly told the director, who had earlier directed Bharjari Gandu for him. The young actor’s attitude has not gone down well with the producer and the director. Prasiddh expressed his displeasure over the incident.

Apparently, the film’s second protagonist—producer Sudarshan Sundarraj’s son, Chris—was present at the event, sporting a unique hairstyle that drew considerable attention. It seems the producer was adamant from the start that his son Chris should shine in the film.

The teaser launch ceremony of the film Sherr, produced by Sudarshan Sundarraj and directed by Prasiddh, features Kiran Raj, popular for his role in the serial Kannadathi. The event was held recently, with senior political leader P.G.R. Scindia unveiling the teaser and wishing the crew well. Many dignitaries and film crew members attended the ceremony. Producer Sudarshan Sundarraj’s son, Chris, is making his debut in the film industry as a villain in this movie.

Speaking at the teaser release, director Prasiddh said, “Sherr is my third film as a director. I don’t believe in delivering messages through my films. What audiences want is entertainment, and I strive to provide that. Sher is a solid entertainer. Most of the story takes place in an orphanage. There is a politician, two groups—one good and one bad. The bad group has taken over the orphanage, and the hero and heroine play the roles of orphans. Chris’s role in the film can be compared to Loose Madha Yogi’s character in the film Dhuniya.”

“I am originally from Bidar, working as a lawyer and involved in politics. I liked the story narrated by the director and decided to produce it. My son Chris plays the role of a villain in this film,” said producer Sudarshan Sundarraj.

Chris, in his debut, thanked his family for their support and grooming, which prepared him for his role as a villain.

Surekha, the heroine, and Tanisha Kuppanda, who plays a police officer, along with Karthik, spoke about their roles. Kitty Kaushik provided insights into the cinematography.

The Sherr teaser is available on A2 Music.


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