The film “Sanju Weds Geetha – 2”, directed by Nagashekar, was initially set for release on January 10. However, producers of a Telugu film directed by Nagashekar five years ago filed a case in the Hyderabad Civil Court, resulting in a stay order preventing the film’s release. The reason for the stay was the mention of “Nagashekar Movies” on the film’s poster. Since the stay was imposed just a day before the scheduled release, the movie could not premiere.

Producer Chalavadi Kumar immediately traveled to Hyderabad with his lawyer and submitted evidence to the court stating that he alone is the producer of the film and that Nagashekar is only the director. The film was produced under their banner, Pavitra International Moviemakers. However, lifting the stay order required some time. The court demanded a ₹4.5 crore bond until the stay was vacated, which Kumar secured by pledging property documents. Consequently, the film will now release on January 17.

This update was shared by the film team during a press conference yesterday, attended by producer Chalavadi Kumar, director Nagashekar, writer Chandrachood, lead actor Srinagar Kitty, and co-producer Kitty Mandya.

Nagashekar clarified that he is solely the director and has no involvement in the film’s financial matters. With the issue now resolved, the movie is set for release on January 17.

Producer Kumar explained that after preparing the theater setup, they received the stay order copy at 3 PM on January 8. Legally, the opposing party should have issued a notice before bringing the stay. Instead, they abruptly filed it, claiming that due to the “Nagashekar Movies” mention, and citing a previous unsuccessful Telugu project, Nagashekar owed them ₹4.5 crores. They believed Nagashekar was the producer of this film as well. To lift the stay, Kumar pledged two of his properties. With the court on holiday for the next 10 days, he urged people not to believe baseless rumors on YouTube about disputes with co-producers or unpaid technicians, advising them to verify facts before spreading misinformation.

Produced under Pavitra International Moviemakers by Chalavadi Kumar, the film highlights the exploitation of silk farmers by MNCs and corporate companies, showcasing the injustices faced by farmers. Alongside this theme, the film presents a sweet love story. The narrative begins in Shidlaghatta and extends to Switzerland, with 60-65% of the story set in Switzerland.

Srinagar Kitty plays Sanju, a silk farmer, while Rachita Ram stars as Geetha. The film features music by Sridhar V. Sambhram, cinematography by Satya Hegde, and action sequences directed by Different Danny. Notably, Chetan Chandra and Ragini appear in guest roles, with Rangayana Raghu, Sadhu Kokila, Tabla Nani, Gichchi Gilgili Vinod, and villain Sampath Kumar in supporting roles.


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