Yethiraj, a dedicated and hardworking professional in the film industry and a multi-talented personality, is set to release his latest commercial venture, Sanju. On a rainy evening at Bengaluru’s GT Mall, MMB Legacy, dynamic star Prajwal Devaraj launched the film’s trailer.

Sanju marks the sixth film directed by Yethiraj, who is well-known as a journalist, actor, and now, director. The trailer launch event was held in a grand manner, drawing significant attention.

Dynamic Prince Prajwal Devaraj released the trailer and wished the team success. Notable dignitaries such as senior producers Sa Ra Govindu, K. Manju, and director M.D. Kaushik attended the event, offering their best wishes.

“This is my sixth film as a director,” said Yethiraj. Sanju carries the tagline “Agamya Payaniga” and tells the story of a man whose life unfolds at a bus station. The hero represents the common man, navigating various challenges, with the heroine Saraswati also facing her own struggles. Most of the shooting took place in Madikeri. Yethiraj expressed his gratitude to producer Santosh for supporting the project and to all the guests who attended the trailer launch. He also mentioned that the film will be hitting screens soon.

The film’s lead actor, Manveet, sought support from the audience, urging them to watch the movie. “I come from a humble farming family,” he said. “I am thankful to the producers for making my debut film in such a grand way, and to the director for giving me this opportunity.”

Shravya, daughter of a veteran actor and director, plays the lead role in Sanju under her new screen name, Satvika. “My character’s name is Saraswati, and it’s a role unlike any I’ve played before,” she shared. “I have changed my name from Shravya to Satvika, and I request everyone to call me Satvika.”

Music director Vijay Haritsa, cinematographer Vidya Nagesh, and actors Sundarshree, Tejaswini, Bala Rajawadi, Mahantesh, and others also discussed the roles they played in Sanju.


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