In 1988, the renowned director Siddalingaiah (known for films like “Bangarada Manushya” and “Boothayyana Maga Ayyu”) introduced his son Murali in “Sambavami Yuge Yuge,” featuring Sudharani in the lead female role.

Now, 36 years later, the title resurfaces through Pratibha for Rajalakshmi Entertainer. “Sambavami Yuge Yuge” holds a significant resonance as it echoes the words of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Geetha, signifying his eternal presence. Just as the saying goes, “I will keep coming,” the title returns once more to Kannada cinema.

Directed by Chetan Chandrasekhar Shetty and starring Jay Shetty in the lead role, the character motion poster has been unveiled, garnering widespread acclaim.

The director crafted the story with inspiration from this verse of the Bhagavad Gita. Chetan Chandrasekhar Shetty also handles the screenplay and dialogue. He emphasizes that the film, boasting a robust commercial storyline, encompasses all the elements desired by audiences, including thrills, action, romance, and sentiment.

Filming and post-production have concluded, with much of the shooting conducted in and around Channapatna. The promotional campaign has kicked off, commencing with the release of the character motion poster.

“Sambavami Yuge Yuge” features four songs, with music composed by Puran Shettigar. Dinesh Rajan serves as the executive producer, complemented by background music from Prankrin Rakhi, cinematography by Raju Hemmigepura, editing by Ravish Atmaram, action direction by Narasimha, and choreography by Geeta Master.

Nisha Rajput stars opposite Jay Shetty as the heroine, alongside Pramod Shetty, Sudharani, Bhavya, Ashok Kumar, and Madhura Gowda in pivotal roles. The ensemble cast also includes Abhay Puneeth, Bala Rajwadi, Ashwin Haasan, among others.


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