The story of Rudra Garuda Purana unfolds across two subplots. The trailer of this much-anticipated movie, starring actor Rishi, was recently released.

Actor Rishi, who has won the hearts of Kannadigas with his stellar performances, is now a household name in the Telugu film industry as well. The trailer was launched by Karunada Chakravarthy Shivarajkumar, who wished Rishi well. The event was attended by director Jacob Varghese and other prominent figures.

The film weaves together two intriguing subplots:

In 1955, Flight 914 goes missing on its route from New York to Maine, leaving no trace behind. Thirty years later, in 1985, the plane mysteriously reappears. How did this happen?

Meanwhile, a king, driven by his desire to conquer the world, goes to war with a neighboring country, slaying millions and emerging victorious. After the war, he visits the battlefield, where he encounters a man eating the flesh of a dead soldier. The king confronts him, saying, “I am not a cannibal like you.” The man retorts, “Why did you kill so many people then?” These subplots serve as the inspiration for the film’s storyline.

The film’s director, Nandish, expressed his gratitude to the crew for their cooperation and shared that the film, which addresses many contemporary issues, will be released soon.

Actor Rishi, who plays the character named Rudra, stated, “After playing a police officer in Puneeth Rajkumar’s production Kavalu Daari, I am excited to take on this new role.”

Priyanka Kumar, the heroine of the film, added, “This is my second film, and my character is quite interesting.”

Veteran actor Vinod Alva, who also stars in the film, commented, “Jacob Varghese and I are friends, and I’ve known Nandish since working with Jacob. When Nandish narrated the story, I was immediately drawn to it. I’m glad to have a convincing role in this film.”

Other cast members, including KS Sridhar, Girish Shivanna, Shivraj KR Pete, music director KP, cinematographer Sandeep Kumar, and dialogue writer Raghu Nidavalli, also shared their thoughts on the film.

Rudra Garuda Purana is produced by Ashwini Lohit under the Ashwini Arts banner. Ashwini’s husband, Lohit, thanked everyone who attended the event and sought their support to ensure the film’s success.


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