The trailer of the Rishi-starrer “Rudra Garuda Puraana” has been released and the film is set to hit the screens on January 24. Nata Rakshasa Dhananjaya unveiled the much-awaited trailer in the presence of several dignitaries, including producer K. Manju. The intriguing trailer has heightened anticipation for the film’s grand release across the state. Following the trailer launch, prominent guests and the film crew addressed the gathering.
Dhananjaya expressed his wishes for the film’s success, stating, “Rishi has been my friend since college and theatre days, and the director is also a long-time acquaintance. The ‘Rudra Garuda Puraana’ trailer stands out. I hope the film achieves grand success.”
Recalling his engineering days, lead actor Rishi shared, “As Dhananjaya mentioned, I was his junior in college. Our film has already connected with audiences through its released songs and teaser. The trailer has also turned out well. The director has put in immense effort, and the producers have spared no resources. This is evident in the trailer. With the support of technicians and artists, ‘Rudra Garuda Puraana’ has shaped up into a remarkable film, releasing on January 24. We hope for your support for our film and others releasing alongside it.”
Lead actress Priyanka Kumar shared, “I’m from Mysore, and this is my debut as a lead actress. My father always wanted me to excel in studies. I have a passion for both academics and acting. I’ve respected my father’s wishes in academics, and he’s happy about it. He was delighted after watching the trailer, and I believe the audience will love the film too.”
Director Nandeesh and producer Lohith expressed their gratitude, saying, “A big thank you to Dhananjaya for launching our trailer. Our film is releasing on January 24. We request everyone to watch and support our film.”
Cinematographer Sandeep Kumar, dialogue writer Raghu Nidavalli, lyricist Pramod Maravante, Manju Mandavya, and actors Shivraj K.R. Pete, Ashwini Gowda, Prabhakar, and Ram Pavan shared insights about the film. Producer Ashwini Vijay Lohith was also present at the event. The film’s music is composed by K.P.