The highly anticipated film Ronny The Ruler is set to hit the silver screen on September 12, releasing in over 200 screens across Karnataka. This big-budget film, starring the popular actor Kiran Raj and directed by Gurutej Shetty, showcases the smart work of veteran writer JK Bharavi, who is known for his contributions to Kannada and Telugu films.

At the title track release of Kanadoorige Kaalitta Betegera…, special guest JK Bharavi, with a long and illustrious career in cinema, spoke highly of the film. Releasing the title track, Bharavi mentioned that his friend Gurutej Shetty wrote the script 17 times, ensuring each frame was different and captivating. Bharavi praised Gurutej’s dedication to the script, comparing his meticulous work to that of Alfred Hitchcock. He added that the gripping narration and heart-touching characters will keep audiences engaged. Bharavi also predicted that Kiran Raj would emerge as a commercial hero from this film, joining the ranks of superstars.

Director Gurutej Shetty expressed disappointment over the lack of initial support from big stars but remained optimistic. “We are releasing the title track in a simple function, and for me, the media is the main strength,” he said, reassuring himself. He described Ronny as a film blending action with class elements, love, and family sentiment. The movie boasts fine music by Manikanth Khadri, with one song composed by Sachin Basrur.

Kiran Raj, who plays the dual roles of Raghav and Ronny, expressed pride and gratitude toward the producers for their significant investment in the project. “We have all worked genuinely, and I want the producers to succeed with this film,” he said. Kiran shared that the script, developed over eight years, required immense effort, but he feels the result will speak for itself.

Apoorva, another lead, is fulfilling her childhood dream of playing a cop in this film, while Radhya, portraying the character Anjali, considers the director like a father figure.

Producers Chandrakanth Poojari and Umesh Hegde reflected on the journey of making this film. Other cast and crew members, including Dharmanna, Surya Kundapura, Kari Subbu, Yash Shetty, Anil, Raghav, music director Manikanth Khadri, cinematographer Raghavendra, and art director Satish, shared insights into the tasks and challenges they faced in the making of Ronny.


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