It was an emotional event on the 16th of March for the ‘Rathna’ trailer launch event. All the speakers remembered Karnataka Rathna power star Dr. Puneeth Rajkumar and became emotional. The next day, March 17th, marked Puneeth Rajkumar’s birth anniversary, prompting the team of Basavaraj Ballari to release the ‘Rathna’ trailer. The film is produced and acted by Appu fans.

Produced and directed by Basavaraj Bellary, the trailer of “Ratna” is receiving a lot of appreciation. The cast members spoke after the release of the trailer.

“I have directed a few films including ‘Seena’. Puneeth Rajkumar launched the movie ‘Seena’ by revealing the opening panel. Director Basavaraj Bellari became emotional while remembering Puneeth, noting that Puneeth had solved some problems during the shooting. ‘Ratna’ is a film made for Appu. The film depicts a fan who worships him like a god. Our heroine’s character name is “Ratna”. Appu is her idol,” said Bellari. He mentioned that the film will hit the screens on April 26.

“I played the role of director in this film. I am also a big fan of Puneeth Rajkumar,” actor Vardhan said, expressing his happiness at acting in this film.

Actor and Editor Nagendra Urs mentioned that he appeared in the role of a doctor, while Amit Rao stated, “I am an actor in the film.” Anand Appu, Suchet, and co-producers Manjunath, Raghavendra Karur, etc., spoke about the film “Ratna”.

The star cast of “Rathna” includes Harshala Honey (Heroine), Vardhan, Anand Appu, Balraj Wodeyar, Nagendra Aras, Amit Rao, Sarikamma, Rani Basavaraj, Suchit Chauhan, Ramu Karur, Manju Daivajna, among others.


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