Director Basavaraja Ballari, this time making a film centered around the Karnataka Rathna Puneeth Rajakumar fan base, exhibited the right approach at the audio release event held at MMB Legacy on Saturday afternoon.

Being a fervent fan of Puneeth Rajakumar himself, Basavaraja Ballari extended invitations to five close aides of the actor to release the five songs from the film ‘Rathna’.

Chalapathi, who worked as a driver and bodyguard for Appu for 12 years, Appu Venkatesh, a gym trainer of Appu, Raghu Vadhi, a fan from northern Karnataka, Bellulli Kabab Chandru, and Maruthi, a hotelier who supplied food to Appu’s family for a long time, were present to release the songs of ‘Rathna’, scored by Satish Babu.

All five close aides of Power Star Puneeth Rajakumar became emotional as they recalled Puneeth Rajakumar’s nature and good attitude. To sum it up, they considered him as ‘God’ who came to earth, completed good work, and bid farewell.

Director Basavaraja Ballari, along with a few of his friends Manjunath and Raghavendra, produced this film. He is set to release the film on April 19th all over Karnataka and is confident that Appu’s fans will elevate the film to a different level.

Vardhan, the lead actor of the film ‘Rathna’, stated that Puneethji is a mirror reflecting the people of Karnataka. He is in the temple, and we are all his devotees. However, Harshal, the key actress in the film, did not attend the audio event.

Nagendra Urs, Shruthi Prahallad, Amith, AT Ravish, Raani, and others shared their experiences while working on this film.


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