One of the humble producers in Kannada cinema who gives prominence to quality content is Ramesh Reddy (Nangli), a building contractor known for constructing large offices for Infosys. Over his seven-year career in the film industry, Ramesh Reddy has consistently provided the necessary resources for his films, such as Galipata 2, 100, Padde Huli, Nathicharami, and Uppu Huli Khara. Among these, Nathicharami brought him widespread recognition, while 100, starring Ramesh Aravind and Rachita Ram, earned critical acclaim.

Ramesh Reddy’s latest project, 45, marks a new chapter in his career, setting a trend in filmmaking. Under the direction of debutant Arjun Janya, a renowned composer with over 150 films to his credit, 45 includes a groundbreaking two-and-a-half-hour animated segment, which has instilled great confidence in Ramesh Reddy.

When Dr. Shivarajkumar praised the story narrated by Arjun Janya and agreed to be part of the project, it gave the film its first boost. The addition of Upendra and Raj B. Shetty further increased Ramesh Reddy’s confidence in the film’s potential.

Ramesh Reddy is the only person who has seen all the rushes of 45, and he compares the experience of watching it to the classic Bangarada Manushya, starring Dr. Rajkumar—a sentiment that comes straight from his heart.

After just 10 days of shooting in Mysuru, Ramesh Reddy’s confidence in Arjun Janya’s directorial abilities was fully affirmed.

Now, with his confidence growing, Ramesh Reddy predicts that the country will take notice of 45. He shares that Dr. Shivarajkumar is exceptional in every aspect, Upendra’s entry will be unlike anything the audience has seen before, and Raj B. Shetty’s effortless performance, always accompanied by a smile, makes his role particularly memorable.

In a conversation with this journalist, Ramesh Reddy also revealed that his lucky number is 9, which is reflected in the title 45. He is confident that the film will be released around Sankranti in 2025. There is still extensive graphic work and post-production ahead, but Ramesh Reddy speaks with pride about 45, calling it the crowning project of his career.


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