“Chandramukhi 2,” the highly anticipated film, is generating immense excitement, largely due to its star-studded cast featuring Kangana Ranawat and Raghav Lawerence. The first look was unveiled with the blessings of the legendary Thalaiva Rajinikanth during the auspicious Ganesha festival. Directed by P. Vasu, the film will be released in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, and Malayalam languages.

P. Vasu, the director with a remarkable career spanning 68 years, presents his 65th film with “Chandramukhi 2.” Having previously delivered a blockbuster hit, “Apthamithra,” starring Dr. Vishnuvardhana and Soundarya, P. Vasu now takes on the sequel, continuing the legacy that Rajinikanth carried forward from Dr. Vishnuvardhana.

Produced by Lyca Productions, a prominent name in Pan India cinema, Subhas Karan is ensuring that “Chandramukhi 2” is a grand and lavish production. The film’s music is composed by Oscar award winner MM Keervani, while RD Rajashekhar is the cinematographer and Anthony serves as the editor.

Joining the stellar lineup of Raghav Lawrence and Kangana Ranawat are Vadivelu, Lakshmi Menon, Mahima Nambiar, Radhika Sarath Kumar, Suresh Menon, and other talented actors. The anticipation surrounding the movie is palpable, and fans from across different regions are eagerly looking forward to its release.


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