Renowned for her mesmerizing charm, Radhika Kumaraswamy, the second wife of former Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy, is making a comeback with two consecutive films. Under Srijay’s direction, she takes on the role of Bhairadevi, while Shashidhar directs her in Ajagratha. Radhika is the producer for both films, one in the name of her daughter, Shamika, and the other in her younger brother Raviraj’s name. Both films are nearing completion.

Expressing her joy on the eve of her birthday (12 November), Radhika Kumaraswamy addressed the audience on the night of 11th November at a specially erected stage near her Dollar Colony residence.

“My brother believes in making a big impact, ensuring everything is done with style and sound. His dream is to bring significant films for me. Ajagratha and Bhairadevi are such grand productions, focusing on content and quality,” states Radhika Kumaraswamy. She adds, “In Ajagratha, I play the lead role of Siri, with only three days of work remaining. We are planning for a release in December or January 2024. Ajagratha will be presented in seven Indian languages.”

Reflecting on her extensive 22-year career, Radhika describes the role of ‘Bhairadevi’ as the most challenging. According to Srijay, the shoot was initially planned in a burial ground, where Radhika, playing the first female ‘Aghori’ in the film, had reservations. Despite suggesting a separate set for the graveyard scenes, she eventually agreed to shoot in a regular graveyard. Radhika credits director Srijay and her brother Raviraj for providing the courage needed. She delved into real-life female Aghori audio clips to prepare for this unique role.

Radhika reveals that ‘Bhairadevi’ is nearly finished, and within the next two months, it will be presented to the audience. Emphasizing the film’s effort, she notes, “It’s not just about having the financial means; you need the artistic prowess to bring it to the screen. Director Srijay (known for RX Soori) possesses that capability.”

Set for an early release in Kannada and Telugu, ‘Bhairadevi’ boasts a star-studded cast including Ramesh Aravind, Ravishanker (who has also sung a song in the film), Rangayana Raghu, Anu Prabhakar, Suchindra Prasad, and more.

To mark her birthday, Radhika Kumaraswamy cut a lavish cake in advance and expressed gratitude to the media for their support over the last two decades, contributing to her growth.


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