The hilarious film with sentimental appeal for all family audiences, marking the debut direction of Tulu Nadu’s ace actor and director Dr. Devadas Kappikaad, “Purushottamana Prasanga,” saw its trailer release at MMB Legacy, captivating everyone with its content.

The trailer of “Purushottamana Prasanga,” produced by V. Ravi Kumar under Rashtrakoota Pictures and directed by the renowned actor and director Boli Devdas Kapikad, has been unveiled. Renowned actor Sharan unveiled the trailer and extended his best wishes to the team.

Actor Sharan expressed that the title “Purushottamana Prasanga” is poignant, as “Purushottama” refers to Rama. With a name associated with Rama, this movie is bound to succeed. Observing the trailer, it doesn’t seem like Ajay’s first film as a lead actor. Ajay (son of producer Ravikumar) has delivered a commendable performance. Sharan added that he provided the voiceover for the trailer and expressed his hopes for the film’s tremendous success.

This film offers a blend of comedy and a family-centric storyline. It marks the directorial debut in Kannada cinema for our father, Devdas Kapikad. I, Arjun Kapikad, also served as an assistant director and express gratitude to the producers for this opportunity.

I portrayed the character of Purushotham in the film. The director portrays through comedy what Purushottam would do to fulfill his dream of going to Dubai. I’ve had a passion for theater from a young age and pursued Acting at the University of Toronto. Ajay Prithvi mentioned that this is his maiden venture as a lead actor, depicting the journey from Mangalure to Dubai, a dream for the protagonist.

The stunning Rishmika Nayak expressed gratitude to the renowned actor Sharan for his presence at the trailer release event. She emphasized having a substantial role in the film.

We extend our thanks to Sharan for unveiling the trailer. A pure entertainer, this film is set to hit screens on March 1st. Co-producer Shamshuddin mentioned plans for releases in Dubai and Qatar as well.


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