The 51st movie featuring Priyanka Upendra, titled ‘Capture,’ unveiled its poster at Veeresh Theater, drawing a crowd of cinema enthusiasts, well-wishers, and passersby along the bustling Magadi Road on a Tuesday evening. It’s noteworthy that none of the previous heroines had a towering 60-foot cutout dedicated to them, but Priyanka Upendra has earned this distinction. While it’s customary to erect such posters for male heroes on their release day, this marks the first time a film heroine has received this honor.

Priyanka’s husband, Superstar Upendra, graced the occasion to offer his blessings to the team from Sri Durgaparameshwari Productions in collaboration with Shamika Enterprises. During his address, Upendra extended his congratulations to his wife Priyanka and mentioned that he has known the producer Raviraj since their days working on the Kannada movie ‘Anatharu.’ Raviraj’s production of this film, in fact, fulfills a dream his father held. He added, “My wife has 51 films to her credit, while I am yet to act in my 50th film in my career.” Upendra also praised the novel approach of presenting the film in a CCTV format, under the direction of Lohith and his team.

The event also featured the presence of ‘Dynamic Prince’ Prajwal Devaraj as a guest during the poster reveal.

‘Raviraj,’ the brother of popular actor Radhika Kumaraswamy, is the producer of this film. The first look and title were officially launched, with the highlight being the impressive 60-foot cutout of Priyanka Upendra, showcasing her with a fractured left hand, a key element of ‘Capture’ Kannada cinema.

Lohith, known for his previous works ‘Mummy’ and ‘Devaki,’ takes on a horror film with ‘Capture.’ The film, shot from a CCTV perspective, was filmed over 30 days in Goa and is set for release in November, as stated by Lohith.

‘Capture’ Kannada cinema also boasts the talents of popular actors Parul Yadav and Rajavardhan in prominent roles. The cinematography is handled by Pandikumar, while Ravichandran serves as the film’s editor, adding to the allure of this captivating production.


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