During the launch of the ‘Appa I Love You’ trailer, renowned Kannada cinema star Prem made a compelling plea regarding the state of the Kannada film industry.

At a crucial juncture, Prem, the beloved star, has emphasized the imperative for robust growth and sophistication within the Kannada film domain. He expressed concern over the disparity faced by Kannada and Malayalam languages on OTT platforms and vehemently opposed such biases. Additionally, he was astonished by the progress of the Malayalam industry aided by government support and the initiative of the Kerala Film Industry in establishing a dedicated OTT platform. Prem sees this endeavor as a model worth emulating and urges his peers in the Kannada film industry to unite and create an alternative platform.

It is paramount for the Karnataka government and the Kannada film industry to collaborate in developing a similar OTT platform, addressing the industry’s marketing challenges within Karnataka.

Prem’s advocacy isn’t unprecedented. As a staunch Kannada advocate, he consistently steps up when issues affecting Kannada culture and Karnataka arise.

Recognizing the inherent strength within the Kannada community, Prem emphasizes the need for self-reliance and collective action to overcome challenges.

Reflecting on the glorious past of Kannada cinema, Prem expresses his desire to revive the golden era of Chandanavana.

Prem’s proactive stance marks him as a trailblazer among his peers, calling for concerted efforts to establish a robust industry benchmark.


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