The cute and handsome hero Pranam Devaraj celebrated his birthday on January 29 and on this occasion the team of ‘S/O Muthanna’ announced a new film. After the release of the film ‘Son of Muthanna’ the same team is working on the new film. Apparently the film Son of Muthanna is hitting the silver screen in the month of March 2025.
The shooting of the film “S/O Muthanna”, which has already attracted everyone’s attention through its teaser and has a storyline of a father-son relationship, has been completed and the post-production work is progressing at a brisk pace. The teaser of this film was earlier unveiled by Karunada Chakravarthy Real “S/O Muthanna” Shivarajkumar. The first print of the film will be ready soon. The shooting has taken place in Bangalore and Kashi.
This film, jointly produced by Puratana Films and SRK Films, is written and directed by debutant Srikanth Hunsur.
Pranam Devaraj has Khushi Ravi of Diya fame playing the female lead. Rangayana Raghu plays the role of the hero’s father. Suchendra Prasad, Girish Shivanna, Tabala Nani, Srinivas Prabhu, Sudha Belawadi, Arun Chakravarthy and others are in the star cast.
The songs of ‘s/o Muthanna’, which has music by Sachin Basrur, have been written by Yogaraj Bhat and Jayant Kaikini. Skating Krishna has done cinematography and Harish Komme has edited this much-awaited film.