Pramod Shetty, a renowned actor with a credit of nearly 40-plus films, has gained widespread recognition, particularly for his roles in Shetty Group productions, helmed by directors Rishb, Rakshit, and Raj. His talent is unquestionably evident.

However, the most intriguing situation he encountered throughout his cinematic journey was during the making of ’13’, where he shared the screen with the esteemed senior actor and the highly respected second son of Dr. Rajakumar, Raghavendra Rajakumar.

In ’13’, Pramod Shetty portrayed a police officer tasked with an unusual scene – leaving the smoke of his cigarette on Raghavendra Rajakumar’s face. When Director Narendra Babu presented this idea, Pramod Shetty displayed his respect for the director but expressed his reluctance to perform this particular scene. His hesitation stemmed from the fact that his co-star was none other than Raghavendra Rajakumar. Pramod Shetty thoroughly assessed the potential repercussions and politely declined the request.

However, Director Narendra Babu remained insistent on including this shot in ’13’. When he conveyed Pramod Shetty’s reluctance to Raghavendra Rajakumar, the humble and admirable actor extended an invitation for a discussion.

During their conversation, Raghavendra Rajakumar shared a relevant anecdote – in the mythological film ‘Srinivasa Kalyana,’ Dr. Rajakumar, playing the role of Lord Srinivasa, was pushed on the chest by actor Vajramuni for authenticity. At that time, Vajramuni was in the early stages of his career. Raghavendra Rajakumar recalled that his father Dr. Rajakumar had also disagreed with being kicked by Vajramuni. However, Dr. Rajakumar pacified Vajramuni, and the shot for ‘Srinivasa Kalyana’ was eventually approved.

Upon hearing this historical account, Pramod Shetty still expressed concerns to Raghavendra Rajakumar, citing health issues and passive smoking as reasons to cancel the shot. In response, Raghavendra Rajakumar assured him that he would provide assistance if any adverse consequences arose. It was only then that Pramod Shetty, in his role as a police officer, reluctantly exhaled cigarette smoke onto Raghavendra Rajakumar’s face. Subsequently, Pramod Shetty offered a sincere apology for the particular scene he had performed.

This noteworthy exchange took place during the pre-release meeting of the Kannada film ’13’ on a Monday evening, with both Pramod Shetty and Raghavendra Rajakumar sharing the dais.

It’s worth noting that Pramod Shetty, a habitual smoker, had to consume seven packs of cigarettes solely for the purpose of this specific scene.

Despite all these developments, Pramod Shetty expressed apprehension about attending the first-day first show of the film ’13’, fearing that fans of Raghavendra Rajakumar might confront him outside the theater.


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