Golden Star Ganesh stars in Pinaka, a film with diverse shades that promises to redefine his career. The title teaser, an eye-catching one, was released at Kalavidara Bhavana Dr. Ambarish Auditorium on Thursday morning, marking the beginning of 2024 with a bang. This is the 49th production by People Media Factory, known for its grandeur and high-voltage films. Directed by Dhananjaya, a seasoned choreographer with over 500 independent songs to his credit, Pinaka is set to be a lavish spectacle.

After last year’s superhit film Krishnam Pranaya Sakhi, Ganesh returns with Pinaka, which carries the intriguing caption, “The Guardian of Legacy.” The film, set to begin shooting in February, is a bilingual project in Kannada and Telugu, with a storyline rooted in history, spanning 500 years.

Ganesh takes on dual avatars in Pinaka, playing both Kshudra and Rudra—roles unlike anything he has portrayed before. The teaser is packed with breathtaking visuals and an enchanting background score, signaling a new milestone in Ganesh’s illustrious career.

“Usually, everyone claims their film is different, but we truly mean it,” said Ganesh, expressing gratitude to producers Vishwaprasad and Vandana for their support. “Director Dhananjaya, producer’s sister Vijaya, and the team have worked tirelessly on an adventurous, thrilling, and family-oriented storyline for the past year. The teaser beautifully reflects the essence of the story.

“I started my career as a villain but became a romantic hero after Mungaru Male due to fans’ demands. With Pinaka, I am stepping into a role I’ve never done before. The film will be released in Kannada and Telugu,” Ganesh added.

Producer T.G. Vishwaprasad, hailing from Ballari with an engineering background, has grown into a prominent figure in Indian cinema. Reflecting on Pinaka, he said: “This is the 49th film from People Media Factory. We previously produced Adhyaksha in America and Adhya in Kannada. Dhananjaya and his team have crafted an excellent story. It’s an honor to work with Ganesh.

“This year, we’ll announce projects featuring Srimurali, Shivarajkumar, and Dhruva Sarja. Our 50th project will be a film of international standards. My last film, Karthikeya 2, resonated well in the Indian cinema market, and I’m excited about what lies ahead,” Vishwaprasad said.

Director B. Dhananjaya recalled his journey in the film industry: “I entered the industry young, working as an assistant dance master for over 10,000 songs and independently choreographing for more than 500 films. It was Karnataka Rathna Puneeth Rajkumar who recognized my potential as a director during a dance shoot for Vishwa abroad.

“This is my debut film as a director, produced by People Media Factory. Pinaka is a period drama set against the backdrop of ‘Mata Mantra.’ We aim to introduce a new kind of story to Kannada cinema with groundbreaking VFX and visuals,” Dhananjaya added.

Producers Vandana and Vijaya, who co-wrote the story with the director, spoke about the film’s ambitious scope. The press conference was attended by key members of the film crew, including Raghu Niduvalli, who penned the dialogues.


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