“Olavina Payana” is a unique love story featuring Sunil as the lead, who has previously acted in several TV serials and a couple of movies. Directed by Kishan Balnad, the film narrates the life and love journey of a middle-class village youth. The teaser, songs, and a press meet for the film, which is set to release on February 21, were recently held.

The story revolves around a carefree young man with no direction in life who falls in love with a wealthy young woman. To win her, he challenges her father. Just when he is about to achieve happiness by marrying her, unexpected incidents turn his life upside down, altering its course entirely. The movie explores his struggles to overcome these challenges and how he emerges from them. Alongside Sunil, Kushi and Priya Hegde play the female leads.

Produced by Nagraj S. Mulagunda under Mulagunda Creations, the story is also penned by the producer himself. Kishan Balnad directed the movie, while Surya Kiran and Sunil contributed to the screenplay and dialogues.

At the event, director Kishan shared, “Even though I’ve been working in the film industry for 17 years, I hadn’t gotten the opportunity to direct a film. Sunil motivated me to overcome that hesitation and introduced me to good producers. This story, originally planned as two films, was condensed into one and shot in Virajpet over 12 days, with the rest in Bengaluru. The cast has brought their characters to life beautifully. Sai Sarvesh has composed music for three songs, sung by Rajesh Krishnan, Veera Samarth, and Sai Sarvesh himself.”

Sunil, the lead actor, added, “I used to work in the producer’s company, where there was always a love for cinema. When they expressed their desire to produce a movie, I initially advised against it. But they insisted, so I introduced them to Kishan sir, and we all joined hands. Surya Kiran played a key role in shaping the story and screenplay. The film showcases the ups and downs of a middle-class youth’s life and how he fights through challenges to find his way.”

Kushi portrays a wealthy girl who later becomes the protagonist’s wife, showcasing two shades of her character. Priya Hegde plays Deepika, a bold and independent woman.

The supporting cast includes Nagesh Mayya, Padmaja Rao, Bal Rajwadi, Prithviraj, Sudhakar Bannanje, Surya Kiran, Dhananjaya, Ram Dhanush, and Baby Riddhi. Cinematography is by Jeevan Gowda, and editing is handled by Keerthiraj.


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