Renowned Kannada cinema director S Narayan, who is also an actor and producer, stepped outside his usual film genre for his milestone 50th film, ‘5D.’ Despite acknowledging that it isn’t his typical style of filmmaking, he affirms that the movie addresses a significant issue. The subject matter of ‘5D’ revolves around a long-standing problem—the pervasive influence of the pharmaceutical mafia. The unveiling of this gripping tale is set to captivate audiences in cinema halls on February 9, coinciding with International Chocolate Day!

After a hiatus of six years, S Narayan is making a comeback to the director’s chair. He reveals that the film faced numerous challenges before its release. Despite encountering setbacks in planning five release attempts, the film is finally hitting the silver screen on February 9. Notably, this film marks the 50th directorial venture for Narayan, the 25th film for actor Adhitya, and the debut production for Kumar.

Reflecting on the inception of the project, Narayan recalls that it was producer Kumar who proposed Adhitya for the film, deeming the subject suitable for him. Eager to embark on a new film, Narayan found the suggestion promising, laying the foundation for this cinematic journey. When asked about the current state of the Kannada cinema industry, Narayan expresses concern about the dwindling number of theaters due to a lack of diverse content. He emphasizes the need for stars to engage in multiple projects annually to sustain the exhibition sector. Narayan envisions a scenario where a dozen stars, akin to Adhitya, can elevate the industry. Acknowledging the impact of losing Puneeth Rajakumar, he laments the absence of formidable stars like Dr. Rajakumar and Dr. Vishnuvardhana, whom he considers irreplaceable for certain scripts.

Producer Kumar, addressing the media, discloses his admiration for Adhitya’s talents. As the film nears completion, the acquisition of Hindi rights and exploration of other platforms bring additional optimism to the project.

Adhitya, son of veteran director SV Rajendra Singh Babu, attributes his involvement in S Narayan’s ‘5D’ to destiny, having worked on 24 films before landing this opportunity. Expressing his enthusiasm for the film’s climax, Adhitya reveals that it offers a unique perspective, with the protagonist experiencing a tension-free journey. He shares his role as a bore well contractor in the film.

The media briefing at Kalavidara Bhavana on a recent Sunday evening saw the presence of team members Prasanna, Akash, Yogish, designer Achchu Ramachandra, music composer Bharat Jain, film editor Shivaprasad, and concept provider Ravi G for ‘5D.’


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