Sri Chaudeshwari Films’ debut patriotic soldier tale, “Namo Bharat,” recently witnessed the release of its songs and teaser. Padmasri Dr. Doddarange Gowda unveiled the songs in the presence of Lahari Velu, veteran actress Bhavya, and others.

Written, directed, produced, and starring Parvinaikar, the teaser launch of “Namo Bharat” along with the screening of two songs proved to be captivating.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Doddarange Gowda remarked, “This is a true tale of patriotism, in which I also play a prominent role. The title of the film holds dual significance, depicting the stories of soldiers and the plight of farmers. It is not only a salute to the nation but also a tribute to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. I hope to witness more such displays of fervent patriotism.”

Lahari Velu commented on the challenges of shooting in Kashmir, noting the breathtaking beauty of the region comparable to Switzerland. Director Ramesh S. Parvinaikar shared insights into the film’s narrative, which portrays a farmer’s son joining the army and facing challenges at the border, including the plight of Kashmiri Pandits and encounters with terrorism.

Reflecting on the filming experience, Parvinaikar mentioned the arduous 48-day shoot in Kashmir amidst harsh weather conditions. Actress Sushmaraj described her role as the protagonist’s love interest from the village.

Veteran actress Bhavya discussed her portrayal of a mother instilling a love for the country in her son from a young age, praising the development of sentimental scenes in the film.

Additional details about the film were shared by Shankar Pagoji, co-director Rajaratna, cinematographer STV Veeresh, distributor Venkat Gowda, and others.

The film features Ramesh Parvinaikar, Sonali Pandit, Sushma Raj, Bhavya, Miko Nagaraj, Biradar, Shankar Bhatt, Navneetha, Shravan Pandit, Ravindra Singh Sharma, Master Yuvraj Parvinaikar, and others.


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