The film, which represents the six human vices (Arishadvargas), is set to release on February 28. Content-driven films are currently dominating the Kannada cinema landscape. One such unique horror genre film is Nagavalli Bungalow. The teaser and poster of the film were recently unveiled by MLA K. Gopalayya and Lahari Velu, who extended their best wishes and words of encouragement. Former Deputy Mayor Puttaraju was also present during the event.

The film team shared insights during the occasion. Writer J.M. Prahlad, who is credited with the story, screenplay, and dialogues, stated, “Nagavalli Bungalow features six key characters representing the six vices — lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride, and jealousy. These six roles are portrayed by six young women. The story revolves around what happens when they enter Nagavalli Bungalow.”

Producer N.L. Mahesh, impressed by J.M. Prahlad’s story during a visit to their office, immediately decided to produce the film. “We started shooting just five days after Mahesh heard the story,” shared director Kavi Rajesh. “Though it’s a horror film, it concludes with a message that there are no real ghosts—only illusions created by the mind.”

Produced under the Hamsa Visions banner by N.L. Narendra Babu, Nevi Manju, and Kavi Rajesh, the film features several new talents. It is slated for release on February 28, as confirmed by producer N.L. Mahesh.

Actress Tejaswini plays the titular role of Nagavalli. Simran, Mansa, Roopashree, Sushma, Ranjitha, and Shwetha represent the Arishadvargas. Lead actor Yash and choreographer Tribhuvan also provided insights about the film during the event.


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