“MYTH FX,” a studio aimed at benefiting the Kannada film industry, was recently inaugurated at Arakere, Bannerghatta Road. Senior Director Om Saiprakash and Kannada Film Producers Association President Umesh Bankar inaugurated this state-of-the-art VFX studio.

“I am also a poet who held a high position in the Videocon Company. Two of my poetry collections were released by former President APJ Abdul Kalam and Lata Mangeshkarji. Later, I aspired to become an actor. I played the lead role in the recently released film The Suite. I always wanted to contribute something meaningful to the film industry. During this journey, I came across skilled technicians Lokesh and Maruti, who have over 20 years of experience. Together, we started MYTH FX. I am delighted to establish a studio that is convenient for producers,” said Kamal, the actor and head of MYTH FX.

Technician Lokesh shared, “I have worked across various dimensions of the film industry for about 25 years. We have been operating this studio for the past year. Over 100 technicians are currently working here. The first film we worked on in this studio was the Dhruva Sarja starrer Martin. Currently, we are working on 45, produced by Ramesh Reddy, directed by Arjun Janya, and starring Shivarajkumar, Upendra, and Raj B. Shetty.”

Another technician, Maruti, also highlighted the studio’s convenience and advanced features. Distributor Raju was present at the media briefing.

Umesh Bankar and Director Om Saiprakash, who attended the event as guests, extended their best wishes for MYTH FX’s future endeavors.


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