The captivating song “Maaye” from the film “Monk the Young”, known for its unique storyline, has been released through Anand Audio. The lyrics are penned by Prathap Bhatt, beautifully sung by Siri Katte, and composed by Swaminathan. The song has received a positive response and is garnering a large number of views. Following the song’s release, the film team shared their thoughts, with NGO Usha gracing the event as the chief guest.

“We are forever grateful for the continuous support from media friends since the beginning. Today, the ‘Maaye’ song from our film has been released. Our movie is set to release in mid or late February. KRG Studios is handling the distribution. The film is ready to hit the screens in three languages, including Kannada. Even before its release, the film has gained pan-India recognition because it has five producers from different states,” shared producers Colonel Rajendran, Gopichand, and Lal Chand Khattar, joined by co-producers Vinay Babu Reddy Shettihalli and Sarovar.

“Monk the Young” is a vintage fantasy genre film, with its story beginning in 1869. The movie portrays events across various eras. Director Maschit Surya mentioned that viewers will find answers to all their questions with some reflection and credited the team’s cooperation for the film’s quality.

Lead actor Sarovar expressed confidence in his unique role and the film, believing both will be well-received.

Lead actress Soundarya Gowda, cinematographer Karthik Sharma, music director Swaminathan, singer Siri Katte, singer Rohith, lyricist Prathap Bhatt, and actors Kruthi, Ravi Shankar, Saras Manjunath, Ravi Matti, Sumanth, and Shivappa also shared their insights about “Monk the Young”.


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