The film “Monk the Young,” with a unique storyline, is set for release in February, says the film team. Produced by a new group, the movie promises a refreshing narrative.

Promotional work will kick off during the upcoming Sankranti as a prelude to the release. On this occasion, glimpses, songs, and a trailer will be unveiled. The audio rights for the film have been acquired by the renowned Anand Audio Company. Swaminathan Ramakrishna and Supreet Falguna have composed the music. The songs and teasers already released have endeared “Monk the Young” to audiences.

This vintage fantasy thriller is directed by Maschit Surya. Soundarya Gowda stars as the heroine, alongside Sarovar in the lead role. Notable Telugu and Tamil actor Bablu Prithviraj plays a special role, while Usha Bhandari, Pranaya Murthy, and others form the supporting cast.

The movie is produced by a team of five, including retired Army officer Colonel Rajendran, Vinay Babu Reddy Shettyhalli, Gopichand, Lal Chand Khattar, and Sarovar. Interestingly, all the producers have also acted in the film.

With cinematography by Karthik Sharma, action direction by Thriller Manju, climax cinematography by Deepak and Dhanush Bedre, editing by Harshvardhan A.L., and choreography by Harshvardhan, the film boasts a stellar technical team.


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