In a groundbreaking move, renowned Kannada director MG Srinivas ventures into the realm of Artificial Intelligence with the launch of his company, AISAMHITHA. With an impressive portfolio that includes hits like ‘Topiwala,’ ‘Srinivasa Kalyana,’ ‘Birbal Trilogy Case 1: Finding Vajramuni,’ ‘Old Monk,’ and the latest ‘Ghost,’ MG Srinivas now sets his sights on transforming the entertainment landscape through innovative AI-driven solutions.

AISAMHITHA specializes in cutting-edge voice cloning technology, as showcased in MG Srinivas’ recent film ‘Ghost.’ The company’s mission is to bring this technology to a global audience, offering the tantalizing prospect of watching movies in one’s preferred language with the voices of beloved actors. Moreover, AISAMHITHA is actively developing lip-sync technology, further enhancing the immersive cinematic experience for audiences worldwide.

With the official launch of AISAMHITHA, MG Srinivas invites audiences to embark on a journey into the future of entertainment technology. The company’s website,, serves as a gateway for those eager to explore more. From detailed insights into voice cloning technology to updates on upcoming projects, the website provides a comprehensive resource for enthusiasts and industry professionals alike.

As the AI landscape continues to evolve, AISAMHITHA stands at the forefront of innovation, driven by MG Srinivas’ vision and the dedication of his team. Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction ensures that AISAMHITHA remains a pioneering force in the AI sector.

Join us in congratulating MG Srinivas and his team on the launch of AISAMHITHA, and stay tuned for the exciting developments reshaping the future of AI and entertainment.


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