Modern Farmer Shashi’s ‘Mehabooba’ is on the verge of release, hitting screens on March 15. The teaser, which has already raised expectations through posters and songs, has been unveiled. The teaser launch event took place at SRV Theater in Bangalore. Bigg Boss Kannada season 10 winner Karthik Mahesh, along with contestants Rakshak Bullet and Pavi Poovappa, jointly released the ‘Mehabooba’ teaser, extending their best wishes to the film crew. Furthermore, previous Bigg Boss Kannada winners Chandan Shetty, Akul Balaji, Shine Shetty, Rupesh Shetty, Manju Pavagada, Vijay Raghavendra, Pratham, and Karthik have shown support for Shashi’s new journey by sharing the ‘Mehbooba’ teaser on their social media platforms.

Shashi, the winner of Bigg Boss, was visibly emotional at the teaser event. His tears were not a publicity gimmick; they reflected genuine sentiments about the movie. He expressed his distress, stating, “When I came out of Bigg Boss, everyone questioned my identity as a farmer. They doubted a farmer could dress like this. However, I have never accepted defeat. I am not just a farmer’s son; I am a farmer myself. I have developed 40 products.” He revealed that he hadn’t slept for the past month and acknowledged the conflicts within the team. “Mehabooba,” he emphasized, “is not merely a story of Ram Mandir or Babri Masjid; it is the love story of Karthik Gowda and Nasriya.”

Shashi’s popularity soared after winning ‘Bigg Boss Season 6’. His interests extend beyond agriculture into acting, and ‘Mehbooba’ marks his debut as a hero. He produced the film under the banner ‘Balaji Motion Pictures’ in collaboration with ‘Daksh Entertainments’, with Anoop Antony directing. Shashi’s transition from a modern farmer to a hero has been well-received.

Actress Pavana Gowda, initiating the conversation, remarked, “Today marks the release of just the teaser, with the trailer yet to come. There are numerous unseen efforts behind this film, and I’m proud of my team.”

Director Anoop Antony described ‘Mehabooba’ as a rewarding journey for the entire team. He praised Shashi’s debut as both a hero and a producer, acknowledging the initial apprehensions of working with a newcomer. “But he impressed me from day one,” he added, “displaying the required expressions, acting skills, and mannerisms effortlessly. It’s hard to believe this is his first movie.” He also commended Pavana’s performance, highlighting her unique role in the film, which features a star-studded cast. ‘Mehbooba’ is set to release on March 15.

Mathews Manu has composed the music for ‘Mehabooba’, with Kiran Hampapur handling cinematography and Prakash in charge of editing. Mas Mada is responsible for action direction, while Kalai Master oversees choreography. The film’s basis on a real incident in Kerala has further heightened anticipation surrounding its release.


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