Matsyagandha First Look Unveiled: Pruthvi Ambaar, the acclaimed Tulu film actor renowned for his role in the Kannada film Diya, is emerging as a prominent figure with numerous projects in his pipeline. The first look of his upcoming film, ‘Matsyagandha,’ where he portrays a police officer, has garnered significant attention. Directed by Devaraj Pujari and produced by BS Vishwanath for Sahyadri Productions, and presented by Kannada Pitcher – a well-established media and marketing entity in the Kannada film industry.

The teaser of Matsyagandha, which gained traction with the release of the song ‘Bhagirathi Anno,’ showcases the dynamic Pruthvi in a compelling role as a Khadak officer. The film boasts a stellar cast, including Lokisaurav, Prashant Siddhi, Nagaraj Byndur, Sarath Lohitashwa Maim Ramdas, and features an exceptional musical composition by Prashant Siddi.

With its captivating teaser, Matsyagandha has exceeded expectations, building anticipation for the film’s release. The overall impression suggests that this movie is poised for success and will be a significant milestone in Pruthvi Ambaar’s career.

Scheduled for a grand statewide release on February 23, Matsyagandha is gearing up to make a substantial impact in the world of cinema.


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