The Challenging Star, Darshan, was the cynosure of all eyes at the crowded Mantri Mall open auditorium on Wednesday evening. He arrived to wish the team of the ‘Matinee’ Kannada film, which features Ninasam Satish, Rachita Ram, and Adhiti Prabhudeva in the lead roles. Daali Dhananjay, on this occasion as one of the chief guests, addressed Darshan as ‘Anna’ and the crowd cheered for it.

Rachita Ram, who has appeared on screen in a cute and romantic look for so many days, has come before the fans for the first time through a horror movie. Satish Ninasam is also there and will be coming in front of the audience for the first time through a horror movie. The trailer that has been released is very interesting and has increased curiosity.

Aditi Prabhudeva Shivraj KR Pete, Nagabhushan, Poorna Mysore, Diganth Diwakar, and Tulsi Shivaram Tabala Nani have acted in the film.

The movie “Matinee” is directed by Manohar Kampally and produced by Parvathy Gowda for the first time. The film features music by Poorchandra Tejaswi and cinematography by Sudhakar and Kirtan Pujari.

Neenasam Satish recalled his conversation with the challenging star Darshan and insisted on the release of the film. At that time, he urged Darshan to come to the trailer launch. Now that Darshan has come to our film trailer launch, we have gained great momentum for the film, Satish added.

Speaking on stage, Rachita said, ‘Darshan sir is launching the trailer of my movie for the first time. I am very happy and feel very proud. I was launched by Tugudeepa Banner. I am very happy that the trailer of my film is being launched after ten years. I have worked with these three artists who are on stage, Dolly, Satish, and Darshan sir. Rachita asked everyone to book the time and date to watch the film ‘Matinee’.

Challenging star Darshan said that the “Matinee” movie will be in all theaters on April 5. “Don’t just go for the matinee show because it’s a matinee movie, go for the morning show,” he said. Speaking about Satish, Darshan said, ‘He came from Neenasam and has played all kinds of roles in the film industry. This journey is huge. It is not easy to sustain for ten years in the film industry as a heroine,’ Darshan complimented Rachita Ram on her hard work.

The songs of the film have already entered the hit list, and the trailer has also raised expectations for the film. The “Matinee” movie is releasing across the state on April 5.

Producer Parvathy Gowda was completely happy about the occasion and presented a cute puppy to the challenging star Darshan.

Photo credits: K N Nagesh Kumar.


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